Pianos in City of London:

Pianos in London:

Southwark Park Bandstand

Location: Southwark Park, SE16 2UA
PIANO WAS INSTALLED BUT IS NO LONGER HERE. The piano is unlikely to return. Apologies to those who’ve been seeking it out !

12 stories & pictures about “Southwark Park Bandstand”

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  1. Lol Dan! I was wondering how you could claim to play 30 when this one was down!

    So between this, and Paternoster Square being locked you only technically played 28 at the most... =p
  2. D-n-K's Piano Dash took place on 7 July - All 30 pianos played across London in the space of just 12 hours! Tracks from the album No XCUSES were played and funds were raised for the Help for Heroes charity. Please visit www.d-n-k.co.uk.
  3. Thanks to who ever is responsible for this project !! I've got a friend in the Canary Islands who sent an email telling me about this. I'm cur-rently sitting at home, 40 miles SW of Houston, Texas, listening to these piano players. They are fantastic !! I'm sending this website on to other friends around the world, for them to listen as well.
    Thanks again,
    Marion Hall
    A music lover in Texas
  4. I went to have a go on this piano to be told by a very gutted events organiser that the piano lasted a matter of hours before it was destroyed by vandals. What a shame for the good people of Southwark and what a great location too. I hope the people responsible are proud of themselves.

    Fantastic event elsewhere in the city - thank you all!
  5. I have been living in London for 20 years and
    wanted to say your 'play me im yours' project is the most successful
    social space experiment I have seen in all that time. The only
    problem is that I get a sharp twinge of sadness whenever I walk past
    one knowing it is not permanent. Is there no way we can find a way
    to keep half of these pianos available for play and maintained over
    summer each year? Is there a way local business could sponsor the
    upkeep? I'm sure there is a lot of red tape involved in keeping them
    in public spaces, but its quite amazing how they transform the area
    and indeed, introduce strangers to each other. And spread the joy of
    real and spontaneous music.

    Many thanks and I look forward to your future projects with interest.


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