• Image from StreetPianos around the world
  • Image from StreetPianos around the world
  • Image from StreetPianos around the world
  • Image from StreetPianos around the world
  • Image from StreetPianos around the world
  • Image from StreetPianos around the world

Play Me, I’m Yours

Touring internationally since 2008, Play Me, I’m Yours is an artwork by British artist Luke Jerram.  Reaching millions of people worldwide, more than 2000 street pianos have been installed by Luke and his team in over 70 cities across the globe, from Tokyo to New York, bearing the simple instruction to ‘Play Me, I’m Yours’.

Play Me, I’m Yours invites the public to engage with and activate urban environment, to share their love of music and the visual arts. Located on streets, in public parks, markets and train stations the pianos are available for everyone to play and enjoy. Decorated by local artists and community groups, the street pianos create a place for exchange and an opportunity for people to connect. The idea for Play Me, I’m Yours has now also been replicated by different organisations, helping to create a global movement and embedding Luke’s concept into contemporary culture.

Play Me, I’m Yours was last presented in Brisbane, Australia and Augsburg, Germany. Read More...

Street pianos worldwide

    Arica, Chile

    Mall Plaza presents #PianosArica

    August 6th 2018, 7:47am
    Photo of piano

    jessezomboid#posandopalafoto #pianosarica

    July 2nd 2018, 9:12am
    Photo of piano

    Piano Morro de Arica

    July 23rd 2018, 4:07pm

    Kunitachi, Tokyo

    Great fun watching Ryota Kikuchi & Hazureru improvising on the Kunitachi Street Pianos today in preparation for the launch of #streetpianoskunitachi tomorrow!

    March 15th 2018, 9:28pm
    Photo of piano

    装飾アーティスト09 やまさき薫 Kaoru Yamasaki 紙媒体を主としたデザイナー・イラストレーター・シルクスクリーン作家として、作品制作やワークショップを中心に「暮らすこと、つくること、伝えること」を大切にしたものづくりを目指す。5組の作り手によるアトリエ併設のストアatelier tempo内にて『絵とデザインのアトリエ「ヤマコヤ」』を主宰。

    December 17th 2017, 10:25am
    Photo of piano


    August 6th 2023, 12:18pm